You have not chosen any actions! Select either a filename convention for renaming, a line end convention for updating ASCII files, the option to check URL links in HTML files, or HTML file renaming. converted read-only to read-write read-only file was skipped File: "%1" is read-only. %1 file was skipped File: "%1" is a %2 file and will be skipped. Directory: "%1" is empty. Please select a different directory. File: "%1" is not a directory. Please enter a valid directory. Directory: "%1" is not valid. Please enter a valid directory. Directory string is empty! Please enter directory name. "%1" is not a valid ASCII file. Please enter a valid Home Page. Home Page is not in directory "%1"! Please enter a valid Home Page. Home Page string is empty! Please enter Home Page name. Empty string! Please enter a new filename! This dialog will only let you enter valid %1 filenames. THESE FILES NEEDED RENAMING BUT WERE NOT RENAMED BY USER REQUEST: